Over 200 U.S. organizations that work together on workplace and economic equity, education and job training, affirmative action, Social Security, child care, political participation, health, reproductive freedom, and global progress for women’s equality.
A network of more than 100 U.S. centers of research, advocacy, and policy about women. Check out their conference archives and other reports. Their Find the Experts page breaks it all down by topic.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Library has compiled a comprehensive list of organizations, programs, departments, and archives dedicated to women and gender studies.
Data on women’s employment (and unemployment) and earnings by industry, occupation, education, age, marital status, and other characteristics. Collected through a monthly survey of about 60,000 households.
WREI's mission is to identify issues affecting women and their roles in the family, workplace, and public arena, and to inform and help shape the public policy debate on these issues.