What is Changing?
The Ort Library, along with the 17 libraries across the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) library consortium, will be implementing the new integrated library system together on May 23, 2024. The discovery tool SearchCat will be replacing CatalogUSMAI and OneSearch.
Here are some major changes:
- The branding, look, and feel of the system will be different
- FSU network credentials will log you into SearchCat instead of a library barcode
- Increased one-click access from citations to online full-text resources
- My EBSCOhost accounts with saved searches, alerts, or citations, will no longer be available in SearchCat, but they will still be available in individual EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Ultimate
- Permalinks to online resources from OneSearch will need to be updated to new links in SearchCat