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Genealogy Research Guide

Hints to Using Newspapers

The newspapers listed below are on microfilm, located on floor 2.  The list is by location and then in descending chronological order.   If you need assistance locating the microfilm or using the machines, please check at the Reference or Media Desk located on floor 2.  The microfilm is accessible any time the library is open.

Garrett County and Frostburg (City) Newspapers

Republican (Oakland, MD)  1877-- :: AN4899.O25R4

Frostburg Mining Journal, 1871-1911 :: AN4899.F75F7

The Allegany Citizen (Frostburg),  1948 (13 May -191 (7 Nov.)  :: AN4899.F75C5

The Citizen (Frostburg), 1961 (14 Nov.) -1983 (27 Oct.) :: AN4899.F75C5

People's Guardian (Frostburg), 1965 (7 Oct.) -1972 (1 June)  :: AN4899.F75G8

The Citizen Record (Frostburg), 1983-1985 :: AN4899.F75C5

The Frostburg Journal, 1986-1988 :: AN4899.F75F76

Cumberland (City) Newspapers

American Eagle (Cumberland), 1809 (15 Feb.) :: AN4899.F8B27

Cumberland Impartialist, 1809 (21 Jan.) :: AN4899.F8B27

Cumberland Gazette, 1814 (21 Jul ) :: AN4899.F8B27

Cumberland Alleganian, 1845-1851 :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Alleganian, 1867 (12 June) -1875 (13 Jan.)  :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Alleganian,1894 (7 June) -1894 (30 Aug.)   :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Alleganian, 1899 -1900, 1902-1912  :: AN4899.C85C82

The Mountain City Times (Cumberland), 1869-1875 :: AN4899.C85M6

Cumberland Daily Times, 1872-1891 :: AN4899.C85C82

Civilian (Cumberland), 1880 and 1882-1883 :: AN4899.C85W4

Weekly Civilian (Cumberland), 1890-1891 :: AN4899.C85W4

The Sunday Scimitar (Cumberland), 1894 :: AN4899.C85S9

Cumberland Press, 1914-1916 :: AN4899.C85C86

Cumberland Evening Times, 1916-1987 :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Sunday Times, 1925-1931 :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Evening Times, 1926 (Sept) -  :: AN4899.C85C82

The Cumberland News, 1938 -1988 (Jan.) :: AN4899.C85C82

The Cumberland News and Times, 1987 Oct-Dec :: AN4899.C85C82

Cumberland Times-News, 1988- :: AN4899.C85C82

Washington and Frederick Counties' Newspapers

Hagers-Town Gazette (Hagerstown), 1809-1913 :: AN4899.H3H3

Valley Register (Middleton, Maryland), 1858-1865 :: AN48899.M5M3

Examiner (Frederick, MD), 1860-1866 :: AN4899.F7P6

Hagerstown Mail, 1861 (Aug.)- 1870 :: AN4899.H3M3

Morning Herald (Hagerstown), 1988-2001 (April) :: AN4899.H36M6